Would you like to promote your product, gain the customer’s attention, increase sales but do not know where to start? Don’t worry! Your personal customer assistant will carry you through the creation of the most convenient solution. From the idea to a final product.

Your assistant will take care of all the formalities. You don’t have to contact the designer to get a 3D project or our warehouse manager to explain the packaging details.
You will speak only to one fully competent person.
You will speak only to one fully competent person.

You get the idea – well, we’ll help you realize it. Do not know where to look for solutions – we will find them for you. In the beginning, we collect information about the product that will be exhibited: its dimensions, weight, quantity, and way to display.

Based on this information we create a 3D project which considers your esthetic preferences and all exposure assumptions. This model allows you to visualize used solutions and propose amendments before manufacturing.

The next step is the selection of appropriate materials. We can use metal, plastic, wood, cardboard, glass, literally everything that could be formed.

When the graphic design and technical solution are already refined, our designers transform what used to be only on the screen into the actual product.

Now the model goes into your rating. After approval of the prototype, series production begins.

At every stage of the manufacturing process is carried out appropriate quality control. We make sure that you will receive a premium product.

The finished product is packaged by the earlier findings and your guidance.

We also arrange delivery to your designated place across Europe.